I would have remembered Wales, but I forgot to being an extra supply of vowels!
I would have remembered Wales, but I forgot to being an extra supply of vowels!
There is evidence of trading from all over Africa all the way up to the UK around that time. Things too longer and news traveled slower, but you can go all the way from Egypt to Norway while more or less staying in sight of the coast. There were similar trading networks with things from South America making it all the…
...I now have Christmas gift ideas for my deeply religious, right-wing family members...
I’m half Polish and my parents were married in Our Lady of Czestochowa, it’s a beautiful church in Brooklyn, NY (and many other places around the world, you find a church named Czestochowa, you’re in a town with a large Polish population). The Black Madonna of Czestochowa is a painting of a black Mary holding a black…
And Wales!
Klingon Jesus: Today is a good day to die...and be reborn 3 days later!
*shrug* it was the first thing that came up on a quick search, but I didn’t mean to imply that it’s the only thing out there. Bottom line, Jesus existed, and seems to have really pissed off the Romans and Jews. I’m fairly sure of this, but I’m also fairly sure that God doesn’t exist, and Jesus never performed genuine…
Look to the western Asiatics, or Scythian-Aryans. I know the modern thing is to equate the ‘Aryan’ with ‘Nazi’ and it’s not totally incorrect with the similar ideology and all that does scream of the ‘conquer all that you see-ism’ but the northern peoples of Europe were subjected to it in varying degrees as well and…
The Jews he named are Ashkenazi, meaning from Europe. Ashkenazis both descend from many, many generations of people living in Europe, but are also considered quite likely to have some white European ancestry mixed in due to intermarriage way back.
Considering that It was said that he was throwing tables and generally berating the “money changers” for setting up shop in “his father’s house”, it could get ugly.
It’s like when Huck Finn said about Jim “I knowed he was white on the inside.”
he would be at least verbally attacking mega church preachers for using him to make themselves millionaires
I’ll take the Jesus of history who fucked with the Roman occupiers over the Christ of faith any time. The Christ of faith handed down to us by religious zealots of the time is a complete disaster for humanity.
Jesus was a Klingon?
I think. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what frankincense or myrrh is
“No Russians” my ass, I saw that guy vomiting in Chestnut Hill last week!
Look, all I know from being raised Catholic is that every time the priest said, “This is the body of Christ”... he held up a little white cracker.
I still find it interesting that so many right wing conservatives still see Jesus as some long haired hippy looking white guy, not to mention that he would be at least verbally attacking mega church preachers for using him to make themselves millionaires, though his teachings run counter to what many preachers, preach…
So it’s about how you look? About the actual color of your skin?