Penny Lane

His lazy-ass behavior and grifting appeals to his white MAGA base because it validates their feelings of White Entitlement. The more he gets away with, the better they feel about the same for themselves. They’d all like to get paid for doing nothing, f*** porn stars while their wives remain obedient, and get to say

It’s kind of appropriate that Mel & Betsy would get a group of black girls, and choose to show a movie about a disadvantaged white boy, where everything turns out alright for him in the end. Everyone knows that white males always have it worse than everyone else.

“If you don’t President so good, you shouldn’t President so much.” (Paraphrasing an attribution by Ted Williams, I think.)

I was just going to post, ice cream and a scholarship fund. Who’s with us?

Can we donate to her college fund? This is what I want to know. 

Ok so I saw the movie Wonder and it’s cute and nice and a good message. But the audacity of showing it in the Trump White House when you know the Trumps (all of them, including Melania) would be the first and worst bullies of a kid like Auggie as children or adults is just like...blech. Like, Trump would run the other

Speaking of Giuliani: “NEVER FORGET!”

The White House Halloween party must feature an appearance by Nosferudy Ghouliani, who scares children of all ages (and, one presumes, bears the scent of sulfur).

You know what should get said more though? Fuck people in the rust belt. Fuck them. Both she and Donnie campaigned for two fucking years, and they’re going to base their vote on who flew into town more often? That’s how you vote? Based on who visited you, instead of some other Americans. You didn’t have all the

Diane Feisntein botched this. She knew this nomination was on a ridiculous fast track and she sat on this, making it clear she wanted to focus on the law, not on his personal issues. And now she comes with a last minute letter? Christ!! What. the fuck? Dems, get your shit together.

It’s an infuriatingly asinine argument that just won’t die, no matter how many examples you give of violent men who were (at one time) thought of as “nice guys.”

Have their actual existences been confirmed?

This stupid narrative also feeds into the false assumptions that all rapists and pedophiles are strangers who lurk in dark alleys wearing nothing but trenchcoats. The person who commits sexual misconduct is almost always someone you know! They intentionally ingratiate themselves into a community or social network and

I’d like to think our society has come a long way since 1992 when George Bush Sr. nominated one of the least qualified men he could find to replace Thurgood Marshall. (I still remember seeing an editorial cartoon with nine Reagan clones, and one of them is black, and one of the other ones says, “I can’t believe he

I hope this lady’s experience brings others out of the woodwork. I tend not to think that one only has rape in them as a one-off experience... And as a teenager?  He is a nasty one.

Nothing will blow up in their face. We need to get off our collective commenting asses and overthrow them. It’s the only option we have left.

Um, grab-her-by-the-pussy still hasn’t blown up in the GOP’s face, so I’m not sure anything more like this will matter.

They knew. Exactly who, and when they knew it, and just how bad it’s going to get when other women come forward (protip about sexual misconduct allegations: there are almost always other women) is going to be what makes this blow up right in the GOP’s fucking face.

Biden. It’s why I still can’t stand him. He never apologized. And he should. over and over until the end of time.

Why? I believe it happened, but everyone knows that it won’t affect the outcome for Kavanaugh and it will make the victim’s life a nightmare once her identity is leaked. What possible outcome could they be hoping for?