Robert Zombie

I’m obviously not one of the reviewers, but I would answer your question by adding an additional possibility. I wasn’t disappointed in the conflicts being unbelievable or that the show seemed less fun. Rather, for me it was that so much of this season’s plotting felt unearned. That speaks to a problem of structure and

yeah i think this nails it for me.

Yeah, as I commented on the review thread it would be one thing if Ted actually took some of the lessons he learned from therapy and applied them to his coaching—and hey, maybe he’ll do just that next season—but instead he felt very peripheral to the season’s biggest moments. Season 1 Ted is complex character who

I don’t think I have a “worst” moment from season 2, just a lot of stuff I wish had better ramifications. But I’ll say I didn’t like Lasso’s therapy storyline as much as others. Felt like he got sidelined on his own show, and I found some of his attitude about it just didn’t sync with the character presented in Season

I’ve been avoiding Twitter lately so I can’t confirm, but it seems like The Ted Lasso Discourse is in a healthier place now than back when everybody was flipping their shit over the Christmas episode and setting off a cascading series of backslashes and counter-backlashes. Ted Lasso remains a very funny, relatable show

Nate reminds me of myself, and it makes me uncomfortable. Life has taught many, many times that letting my ego run rampant is a recipe for disaster, and hinders my success in the end. Insecurity and doubt inspire me to do my best work. Overconfidence and hubris make it impossible for me to see my own mistakes and

That was such a perfect little character moment. 

My annoyance at that particular choice knows no bounds. I’ve got great vision, but my parents, sadly, do not. When shows use the phone screen rather than a graphic, it is virtually impossible for them to read. Most of the time, they have to pause the show, and one of them gets up, walks to the TV, and reads the phone

Ha, I ranted a few episodes back about how annoying I found it when the show refused to follow the emerging tv/movie convention of showing an easy-to-read graphic with the text message instead of just the phone screen. Now I realize why they might not want to distract the viewers from those pixel-perfect Retina(tm)

What's really odd is that they had so many longer runtimes, and yet, so many of the stories felt rushed or incomplete.

Exactly this! I think people who don’t see this perhaps haven’t met that kind of person, or they haven’t really SEEN them, you know? The coaches should have noticed his issues and bad behaviour earlier, but then... he doesn’t take criticism well, so I don’t think confronting him would have saved him in any way. It

This season was kind of a mess, but Trent’s comment on the surprise he can’t ride a bike “because of my hair and whole vibe?” made me laugh.

I have to second this, Myles. I actually posted last week that I couldn’t understand why Beard never mentioned anything to Ted about Nate. I don’t know if there’s some sort of code going on here or some adherence with regard to hierarchy, but Beard has never been one to keep his opinions to himself with Ted. I know

No, I think Nate is fair in his assessment of Ted, and he’s right. He is more competent than Ted, who doesn’t even know the rules to the game he is coaching! He absolutely deserves a spot more than Ted does.

He says other stuff that is unfair, but he is right. Ted promised him an emotionally safe place and attention

It is 100% the head coach’s responsibility to know that one of his coaches is bullying players and employees, and it became Beard’s responsibility once he saw it happening and failed to recognize when it wasn’t stopping.

I was mostly onboard with this episode as a reasonably satisfying conclusion to what was IMO a patchy season, but I thought those three jumps were just awkward? Almost like they couldn’t think of a smooth way to wrap things up, so they just bludgeoned in three separate epilogues. Roy and Keeley’s relationship has been

One thing I noticed in the finale (and the whole season) was the focus on text messages as a storytelling device. At first I thought it was a cool way to let scenes play out silently with the actors’ faces doing all the heavy lifting... but then I remembered who pays the bills for this show.

Mostly just here to say, I liked it.

good review. this wasn’t a great finale. i think the 40-50mins runtimes have been more of a negative than positive. The Nate reveal should have been better, plus i was expecting him to spit into the camera at the end, a nod to the last season finale. The reveal did give me Star Wars vibes though.

One small nit to pick from above, Ted isn’t sipping champagne with Rebecca.  She’s having champagne, he sticks to still water.