Robert Zombie

I so badly want him to get cast in a bigger MCU rule.

His role in the Thor sequel is small, but really charming.

I love when asked about a “fictional family” he immediately went to the Kardashians.

What? Sorry, Myles. I disagree. This was a solid B+.

I agree. I think one of the major complaints with Studio 60 is that it was about a hilarious comedy writer but the jokes weren’t that funny so you just had to suspend your disbelief when the crowd went wild. I thought the Newsroom was a reaction to this criticism, so with the benefit of hindsight the could put

So, lot’s going on this episode; It did feel long but I also liked how certain characters were around but not given a lot of focus because they just didn’t need to have that in this episode (Keely definitely had a smaller role this week).

I had a scary thought that Tartt Sr. and his crew were going to jump him. They’re exactly the hooligans to try something like that, especially after Beard tossed him out. Whenever a character “goes off on their own” like that, gah, I get a bad feeling. This description makes me feel better, though. I love Coach Beard. 

Is it possible that Nate is the new Tart of the season?

I think the scene with Trent is more likely leading to a more full conversation between the two of them later in the season where Ted is more honest, and we get something akin to Trent’s profile of Ted last season. It doesn’t feel like this show is interested in making Trent the villainous journalist that he sometimes

I look at Nate’s storyline as kind of the equivalent of the dangers of winning the lottery - everyone thinks you’re doing great and can’t possibly have problems, but you’ve gone from zero to 60 without any kind of understanding of the impact of where you’re ending up. From that perspective, things like the whole

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I’ll be interested to see how the show deals with Rick no longer having a functional portal gun. There’s a good chance they’ll just write around it, but it would be neat to watch him having to scramble for a bit.

Amy Poopybutthole was such a great name reveal I just had to laugh.

A little disappointed neither of the crows got names and that the scarecrow wasn’t voiced by Norm Macdonald for some meta humor. Also a little disappointed Jerry-as-a-puddle never got a conclusion.

Maybe this will turn out to be a bluff next season, but I hope it doesn’t.

I think he also has a fair dose of self-loathing, given that his power move to psych himself up at the restaurant was spitting in his own face (which seemed pretty disturbing to me). Will is basically the replacement Nate, and it makes sense that Nate would project his dislike of himself on the guy.  But also, what

Brett Goldstein’s facial expressions as Roy realized that Jamie Tartt was giving him a life lesson.

Trent’s expression looked drunk (or “pissed,” as the Brits would say) to me when he walked in. I don’t think he normally would have approached Ted in that situation and needled him about walking off the field if he hadn’t had a few pints under his belt.  It’s still well within the range of something a reporter would

* Brett Goldstein’s facial expressions as Roy realized that Jamie Tartt was giving him a life lesson. Take that, Hannah Waddingham’s Emmy-deserving mug! A thousand bonus points to his anguished “FUUUUUUUUUCK!” as he stalks off the pitch.

We’ll note that both Keeley and Roy call the other “the cat’s pyjamas”, in separate conversations, which is cute.