Robert Zombie

I didn’t care for the movies after Yates took the reins. I’m on the opposite end of Tom’s assessment and feel like Deathly Hallows 2 is a giant shrug, just going through the motions of the script to finish this thing (Being all climax really hurts its structure as a movie.) The last half hour is particularly

Deathly Hallows felt both rushed and overwritten. Like she had much more story to tell or make it even longer but just wanted to get it done and over with. However, a certain other fantasy writer should probably have taken notes about how Rowling finished the series without taking long delays in between

“it’s always annoyed me that Harry dueled Voldemort alone in the courtyard rather than being surrounded by his community of loved ones.”

Along those lines, it bothered me that every single Slytherin chose to leave before the last battle. Not one of those students, even the younger classes, had a shred of conscience? Meh  

For my money, they only truly nailed the adaption in one scene, after the first movie:

I finally watched the 8th movie for the first time a few months ago...and it was really bad, haha.

The final Harry Potter film is wickedly entertaining, though I felt the creators misunderstood or glossed over the story’s deeper themes; it’s always annoyed me that Harry dueled Voldemort alone in the courtyard rather than being surrounded by his community of loved ones. Then again, I’ve always felt the final book

Haven’t heard of it either, but I guess it was an obvious play on words.

I am a Venture Diehard and so happy they are getting a movie...

yeah uh what the fuck. he’s clearly getting off on getting humiliated. hard fucking pass on cop porn

So it sounds like they didn’t change that cop’s mind about anything at all, and then he got what he wanted. That said, if you’re into listening to audio only BDSM porn, power to you, I guess. Just don’t try and sell it to everyone else as a badass takedown.

You might say he copped a plea...

I feel like I'm having a stroke reading that "Forbidden Fruits" write up.

uh, I kinda take issue with the implication that it’s somehow heroic to take money to get a cop’s rocks off, no matter what sort of shit the cop is into. The cop’s perfectly happy with the deal!

Make Police Budgets Slightly Smaller Again.

Can anyone tell me whether they think Mythic Quest is a must-watch or not? I absolutely love It’s Always Sunny, but before Mythic Quest I had never tried any of the actor’s other shows, like The Mick or Glenn’s teacher show. Mythic Quest seemed right up my alley, and I watched 2 or 3 episodes. It was pleasant, and

It’s really awesome that Bell is combatting the earned distrust that Black Americans have of the medical system, because while that distrust is certainly earned, you also have plenty of bad actors and well-meaning but misinformed folks reinforcing that distrust at a time when it’s going to get Black people killed.

As a policy, “defund the police” makes perfect sense.

I’m not saying I liked the turn Hopper took, but I don’t think it was “inexplicable”. He’s a broken alcoholic man whose daughter died and wife left him. Yes, caring for Eleven was supposed to be his redemption arc, but as in real life, those don’t always pan out.

Inexplicably a violent asshole and yet simultaneously a cartoon of a goofy, violent asshole.