Robert Zombie

I think WB should, every year, pick one filmmaker to release their cut of Justice League. To avoid wasting a ton of money, they’ll only be allowed to edit using existing footage and effects, although they can sub in any audio they want, including different dialogue and music.

Supersoldier zombies, king and queen zombies, zombie tiger...sure, that sounds fun. Overall it doesn’t look like it’ll be a great movie, but at least a fun one.

This sounds ridiculous but the idea of mashing up zombie and heist movies (two solid genres) is not in itself awful

Now that Christopher Plummer has passed on, I vote we start CGing Tig Notaro into random movies. 

This was well done, but with only two episodes left, I do wonder what they’re working towards. I appreciate that they’re making Walker sympathetic--it would’ve been too easy to make him purely a villain, so another direction is refreshing and appreciated.

Flashbacks are a thing.

That is part of what drove him over the edge in Winter Soldier, I think. He says how he was able to move his family outside the city where they would be safe. Here is a guy who is used to getting his way. It failed to save his family. Easy for him to overlook his privilege, but also frustrated that that privilege did

I wish someone would point out to Zemo that as a Baron who inherited vast wealth, he also has a lot of unearned power he has no trouble wielding, super-soldier or not. I mean, he’s making some good points, he’s just a wee bit glass houses about it.

And his shield is made from Wakandan vibranium! Such disrespect.

I thought this episode was fantastic.

The arguments in this paragraph makes no sense; it confuses having a new character taking a mantle with changing a character. Ms. Marvel used to be Carol Danvers, now it’s Kamala Khan. Ms. Marvel might now be Desi but Carol Danvers is still a Caucasian woman. What Johns meant is that Seg-El should look like his

One of Stewart’s best tricks was the standard “dig up every example of an elected official contradicting what they’ve said to expose hypocrisy” and, well, Republicans figured out they could just ignore it and their supporters would go along.

“I never wanted the real Levar Burton to host! I just wanted a picture of him as the host!”

The biggest clash, sources say, came when Whedon pushed Gadot to record lines she didn’t like, threatened to harm Gadot’s career and disparaged Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.

Another conflict arose when the studio became insistent on Fisher saying “booyah” in the film—a catchphrase often used by Cyborg in the animated series Teen Titans.

If you don’t think Ray Fisher “delivered the goods” in this story, check yourself, then read the entire THR piece. Modern racism often isn’t as obvious as a white person saying the N-word. It’s clear from the article that a cadre of powerful white executives and their allies did everything they could to protect

A third is their open disdain for the fact that the source material is written for children.

I think a majority of the reason why Snyder fans are so toxic are two factors:

Natasha is a woman who has committed awful crimes. She was an assassin for Russia and the forced hysterectomy was done in order to make her completely soulless, to remove even the barest hint of a chance that she would form an attachment.

Infertility necessary to the plot? No. Necessary to her character? Yes.