Robert Zombie

Bummed as hell about silent Salem, but hot damn am I ready for back-to-back Daredevil S3 and Sabrina weekends. Thanks for dropping them right in the middle of midterms season, Netflix!

No snark.

Just do HEROES FOR HIRE already. Luke and Danny work better together, and Misty and Colleen are great together. Would hopefully fix the issues with both shows.

But I was almost interested after watching the second season!

Agreed that Kim was genuinely moved by Jimmy’s speech on Chuck.

You could also formulate it as ‘Peter Capaldi’s Doctor warned his successor, unknown to him, to run fast, be kind, and never eat pears.’ That would adhere to both parallelism and joke structure. Always end on the punch line.

“to never to pears”??? Time for a superintendent evaluation...

I don’t think the truck thing is Supermanish at all. He responds to a guy being rude to him by destroying that guy’s job permanently? This would be like if the owner of the cafe was the rude one and Superman blew up the building once it was empty. Inappropriately over the top response. Also incredibly pointed towards

Fingers crossed this doesn’t come across as celebrating or idolising this scumfuck.

I thought that I would hate Batman: Brave and the Bold, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t love it. Bader was a fantastic Batman. I want an Aquaman film based solely on that show’s depiction of the character. RV and all.

The makeup and impressions are excellent, but I don’t love the McKay style of making shitty historical events look badass. It was less shitty in the Big Short, because that was about guys who were right about the impending MBS collapse and did try to warn people (while also profiting handsomely) so they were

It took me ages to get around to S1 of this, but I loved it. Can’t wait for S2.

Need to rewatch this movie.

Check out the big brain on TheRealBigMcLargeHuge.

This man is mentally ill. That’s not a dis, it’s the truth. He’s had bipolar disorder since he started having blackouts at 5 years of age, and he believes that because his mother never medicated him for it, that’s what makes him so great today. He calls it his superpower. If this was a regular person saying these

So a reference to the carpet looking like The Shining without also noting that Scare Bear (who was in the show before) is a pretty obvious riff on the bear costume blow job guy IN THE SHINING. Plus the motif revolving around being snowed in. I mean, I don’t even.

“You’re a thirsty bitch!”