Robert Zombie

He can be a pretty good actor, in my opinion. I really like him and I wish the roles he’s been picking lately have been more my taste, because I have no interest in any live action movie he’s done since 2013. I’m thinking this sounds like it could be pretty cool?

He might actually be good in this. He’s not a bad actor and he might be capable of pulling it off.

That line doesn’t really make sense to come after the concrete pouring story, IMHO. Why would the people regret asking him to talk if he just told a pleasant story about how Matty wrote his name in the concrete?

I loved the camera shooting through the basketball hoop setting up the scene at Nacho’s dad’s house. Simpler times. And the heartbreak: His dad sees that emblem of Nacho’s (recent) childhood everyday, coming and going. It’s his Matty cement.


Kim theory: everyone seems to think she’s in court to check out the trials. What if she’s there to watch the Judges? What if Kim wants to be a judge herself? She’s one hell of an experienced and knowledgable legal eagle l, and the way she chewed out Howard and made him look like a little boy may have given her a taste

The Tom King Batman/Elmer Fudd issue from last summer was legitimately amazing.

Jackson’s character reminds me of Jesse Pinkman’s time in therapy group, where he too was less than honest. Remember when he tells the story about putting down a problem dog to process the emotional fallout after Walter manipulates him into killing Gale?

I’m wondering if Marc Evan Jackson’s fake widower was just there to spy on Mike for Gus.

HAHAHA! For some reason, I was gearing up for that glass to break as well when Jimmy was bouncing the ball. I don’t know why but somehow with the way it was shot and done, I just felt like it was leading up to that. Glad I’m not alone.

Mike calling Gus’s bluff was old-school bad-ass. 

Agreed, though he came off as a dick when he kind of threw it back to the other members of group... ultimately calling them stupid and weak. I was surprised by that part of it.

Mike was in rare form this week, calling everybody on their B.S.:

From that perspective, the Monarch’s determination to keep doing the same old shit is more of a feature than a bug.

damn you really got my hopes up with the good place post. oh well, one month isnt that long.

[Bond sidles up to a street vendor]

I guarantee you it would have a top-notch theme song at least.

With Wright at the helm, I am very curious if he can add his musical touches to the film, heck I’m sure if he can pick who performs/ wirtes the Bond theme I am so looking forward to it from that angle.

Real-life stories such as this work much better as documentaries than as dramas. Why tack on “tension” and a “love story”? Ugh.