Robert Zombie

I’ve liked it, I’m hoping it’s not a bad sign for a third season that the second season was added to on-demand all at once with way less advertising than the first because I think it’s been really funny.

My local independent movie theater was showing “Pink Flamingos” last night for their Saturday late-night cult movie series focusing lately on LGBT movies - that was my first time seeing it or any John Waters movie and it was definitely hilarious in parts but really not what I was idea if I can say if I

I would if they could hire some of the people who do the de-aging CGI for the MCU. They were really showing off how good that’s gotten in Ant-Man and The Wasp

This comment was a rollercoaster that I totally agree with

Great read on all this! I think the only thing I came up with was something I wrote about season 1 for a film class where you could see a person’s “true” character as not necessarily being these titles they almost have to put on - Cornell may have been happier as a musician as we see in flashbacks and one of his more

I’m normally not one to nitpick at all but if that’s “King Corn” the food documentary and not something totally different then I think it came out in 2007 and not 2016.

Yeah, I got what they were going for since that really seemed to get to Shades and change his whole triumphant demeanor but I just thought it was odd she was there and I didn’t even think of how mean-spirited it was until you mentioned it. It seems like it would have been better to have her visit him in jail or

Also at what point did they know to bring Che’s mom in, or was she just there the whole time? Shade’s confession was already meandering for a point he supposedly had and they just made her listen to all of that to get to the part where son is killed?

Yeah I thought it seemed a bit similar; it wouldn’t have made sense for one of the cops to be working for him like in that scene but I still wonder if it was maybe supposed to be somewhat of a motif.

I thought this was a good episode but the part that annoyed me was Claire talking to Luke’s father and calling him “Luther” in her story once and then accidentally saying Luke right after. I may have misinterpreted that and she wanted to clue him in but if not I had to laugh at her horrible commitment to that lie.

Yeah for coffee shops I usually tip if I’m hanging out reading or doing homework or whatever. I hadn’t heard the other ones but they do sound reasonable too

I thought there were hints of it last season and this episode confirmed it since it seemed safe to assume the guy with him at one point was his partner

Lol I was looking for the same thing. It was really messing with my head, I’m like “does he actually look...handsome? what’s going on?”

I was hoping they actually registered that first website for a second

I read about it on Buzzfeed and he gave an apology that a lot of people aren’t satisfied with (I’m not sure how I feel). Cynically, I think it’s that he’s popular right now and it kind of rolled off of him but also I think the fact that it was a short, now deleted Instagram freestyle just means it didn’t get seen

I rarely use twitter, but isn’t it more likely he meant to respond to someone else saying they’d also donate or something? Why would he need to fake a response when it had already been retweeted 1,300 times in 16 minutes?

saw it last night and sadly no

I like to joke about McGruff as much as the next person but I felt weirdly defensive for a brief second when I read your comment lol

Yeah I feel like it’s gotta be people not wanting to acknowledge it because he’s fairly well-liked but I’m pretty surprised there was no mention in the article here about it

After he loses a big fight he’ll burn the robot to try and feel’s disturbing but who can blame him