
People, ffs.

Generalizations are usually bad. The article states that a Prong collar is designed to inflict pain. This is not true.

I am so down with mocking the Octopus documentary.  Its the sort of thing that would make a good double feature with Grizzily Man, if only because one is more honest about animals and Herzog is so much less hallmark channel.

I just want to bring attention to the second word in the name of the thing we’re discussing here. It’s a duty. An obligation. Something that helps our nation work the way it’s supposed to work. Too many assholes try to get out of it, and that’s part of the reason why our justice system is screwed up.

When it’s your

I had jury duty last year. It was embarrassing to sit there and listen to all the people with their excuses, stories and schemes for ‘getting out of it’. I tried to answer the questions they asked honestly, and when they said “are you related to anyone in law enforcement” I raised my hand. Mrs. Ham works in an admin

I bet he was speaking to a relative about his illness being fatal and keeping it from Tanya because he feels she is too self-centered to open up to. Definitely feels like there is a misdirect at work with Greg.

i’m thinking she turns him down and then he uses the NDA stuff against her

I’m gonna guess that all his bitchiness and secret phone calls is a red herring, and he’s actually way sicker than he’s letting on. He seems extremely fragile (the squeezing on the Vespa) and in that first scene he’s just sitting in bed spaced out about something... maybe his impending death? Maybe his trip to Denver


“Her dad committed suicide.”

Agreed. That remark and Jennifer Coolidge getting the bug caught in her throat during the vespa ride were the highlights of the episode for me.

Valentina’s bluntness continues to be my favorite part of this season. When she guessed Peppa Pig when Tanya asked her to guess who she was trying to look like, hilarious. Completely agree that the show could use more of her and the staff.

“we’re all snobs, in different ways” ain’t that the truth.

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I have someone in my neighborhood that seemingly abandoned their dog in their backyard where it barks constantly 24/7. No parenting at all here.  Why even have a dog like this?

See, to me he looks and sounds like Anthony Bourdain. Not exactly but enough that sometimes I forget.
I was a Bogosian fan in the ‘90s before I knew about Bourdain. Maybe that’s part of why I latched onto Bourdain’s documentaries and subsequently books. 

In the books Sansa and Arya start at 9 ands 11. If the show did that, you’d have a 14ish year old Sansa getting raped on her wedding night and a 12ish year old Arya being a mass murderer. Visual mediums require an element of aging up, if not just to make adult things happening to them easier to swallow, then to find

Yeah, give it a shot. I mean, it’s only one episode so far, but it is much better than the movie, which I tried rewatching recently (it is quite boring and long).

I thought this was the best pilot episode of a series I’ve seen in a while. It was great. This was a book very dear to me as a thirteen-year old boy so many years ago. Frankly, I don’t mind the liberties at all, because it was all done well; I really didn’t think about how it differed from the book or series at all.