Ugh, yes. And making “ect” (sic) an official abbreviation.
Ugh, yes. And making “ect” (sic) an official abbreviation.
Hey that’s Richard Dawson as the other winning bachelor the end of the episode. Gee, who wasn’t on The Dating Game?
Duh, I can’t read. May my comments in this thread stay forever grey.
It’s an interesting workaround. But in Accessibility settings, a Screenshot action can be assigned directly to the Back Tap. So is creating a shortcut even necessary?
Oh damn. I freeze raw chicken breasts and such each in individual zip lock bags. I hate accidentally getting any residue on the inside top of the bag. Yuck. I will use my canning funnel from now on!
You are quite right. Unfortunately I don’t consider the (free) Gmail “+” aliases to be very powerful. They are okay for helping to filter email, but I want to have the ability to delete an alias when I decide I no longer wish to receive emails sent to that address. (And hopefully the sender’s email gets bounced back). …
Agreed. I’m doing something like this with aliases and Yahoo aliases lately. Outlook supports a maximum of 10 which is adequate for me. I don’t really care for Yahoo but they support up to 500 aliases per account! I really wish Gmail supported aliases otherwise I wouldn’t have terminated my Gmail account…
Reading some of these comments, it seems some people consider “spam” to be any promotional email they don’t want, even those from legitimate companies. I think that dilutes the definition of “spam” and just leads to confusion.
I don’t watch televised pro hockey, but the few times I have... ugh, so much spitting.
He speaks in riddles, and shows newspaper headlines that indicate possible future events. Similar to the Guardian, for sure. (Oh, and it also said “good soup!” On his newspaper. Edith Keeler ran a soup kitchen. That’s a stretch, I know).
And he neglected to notify the Captain that he would have to go to Vulcan for his arranged marriage. Well to be fair he “hoped” he would be spared the mating drive, but still... why not at least give a warning about the possibility.
My recollection is that the title alteration for the US market was simply because the marketing geniuses thought the word “philosopher” was too dull. Not because they thought Americans wouldn’t know what a philosopher was.
Onomatopoetic sneezes sound fake and attention-seeking. A dear relative of mine likes to really draw out the “achoo”, as in “A-chooooooooo...” Oh please.
Patton Oswalt summed it up so well.
The “Silence Unknown Callers” option on my iPhone was somewhat helpful. What finally made a huge difference for me was to enable the call control feature with my wireless provider. My god... in the past 3+ months I’ve only gotten 2 spam calls.
And don’t be “that guy” who takes a photo of their widescreen TV with his smartphone... in portrait mode. WTF.
When I’m at the dealer getting routine maintenance, if my blades are about due to be replaced I walk over to the parts counter and just say “I need blade refills for my 2009 whatever”, and the guy comes back with them in about a minute.
So, Betteridge’s Law Of headlines then.
And in Canada on Crave and CTV Sci-Fi channel.
In your first post you said Torch’s advice “seems kind of cruel”. And in your second post you said “I’m not sure it’s healthy”. Only after others challenged you on this, then you doubled down on it as “elder abuse”, your wife is a certified expert in the field, you have been a proof reader on her research papers, etc.…