Just being in College Station was the reason I wanted to get out of College Station. Man, talk about a shithole of a campus.
Heavens no....that would be offensive!
If public outrage becomes too great, however, he will blame the name on the New Orleans Saints and suspend Sean Payton for another year.
Neither was Iron Eyes Cody, the famous crying Indian from the '70s pollution commercial. Fun fact.
"I firmly stand by the Commissioner on this issue."
They showed Bieber on the Titantron and he got the biggest BOO of the night outside of Roy Hibbert's obvious foul that was again no-called in the restricted area.
Dwayne Wade has been playing like such a pussy, his Summer's Eve demanded a court side seat.
At the risk of sounding like an asshole, I feel bad for the families, but they had to be expecting this to happen eventually. If youre getting that close to a tornado youre just asking for it. Still though, RIP
Your concern is time, yet you support ballistic managers? The amount of time it would take to replay a call with an efficient system is far shorter than the amount of time it takes to get red-faced, whining old men off the field.
I love hearing all the arguments about how great the "human element" is. At what point does getting it right trump nostalgia? 100 years ago they set up the rules with the best available technology, not because they wanted a "human element". Why shouldn't we do that today?
If someone "helped" that plant explode it would mean this is a WAY bigger story than Boston and we all basically ignored it. Interesting.
If Chris Broussard is so worked up about homosexuality and sex outside of marriage, how does he ever get through a day without blasting dozens of NBA players? Dwight Howard has 5 kids with 5 women, for fuck's sake. Maybe Chris is in the wrong business.
There once was a guy named Steve Schoo. Who was driving where a hard wind blew. Through the air he and his car flew. …