
One of the things that I think is missing from a lot of ya’lls analysis is the expectation set up at the beginning of the relationship. If you have strong anti religious feelings it’s important to make sure your partner understands you will not be participating in any form of religious worship during your relationship?

I just left a relationship with a person suffering from high degrees of anxiety. I think for your PTSD supportive person it is important to consider the time frame. 5 years of needing to be a persons emotional support sounds like a lot. Are they doing everything they can to address the PTSD (reading books, talking to

It would be a lot easier if the only Bi character wasn’t a bad guy...

Speaking as a gay man you never get to choose what media reveals things about your sexuality to you. For me, it was the first Terminator movie. For a friend it was a character for the Lord of the Rings book. 

With the average age being 21 and the time commitment required to get to that level of expert being extream it’s seem like a logical assumption that they don’t have a lot of life experince.

Speaking as a gay man I appreciate the effort. I would be more excited about an RPG with a gay male character. Not a side character not a build your own character and fall in love with who you want. A pre=made character who likes guys. “This is John Orcsbane and this is his Husband David Doesntlikeknives.”

As a Gay man I feel pretty confident in saying that Conan’s nakedness is not designed to be sexually alluring 

#gamergateright? lol creep

Also genuine question for Jason: Is there a reason you read comments and reddits when you can assume that this type of behavior is typical? No Judgement but curious if this is a part of being a video game journalist. Is reading the comment section required?

Implying that any article someone writes is worth a death threat?

My sincerest wish is for a counter movement to Gamergate to rise up. Not necessarily in response to Gamergate but one that shows these nut jobs that they don’t belong in our gamer community and that they are the loud voices crying in the night that know one wants to let in.

I think its a not wanting to see something you create used for evil. Like if there was a mod out there changed all the Witcher 3 love scenes to children.