Robert Simmons

He seems to be a talented illustrator. But i think hes just painting on top of a photo and editing out the footage where the he turns the photo layer on. I just don't think someone of that skillset would use such a horrendous clouds layer for the background. Its so jarringly bad.

Hey Microsoft, We've already seen Minority Report. Sure you metro'd it up some but some of the ideas shown are just impractical and look good as an animation. How bout stop wasting money on concept art and work towards the real future.

you really dont need an app either, a lot the major video sites as well as commercial video platforms have html5 video now.

most web video has an html5 backup. i couldnt care less about animated ads. theres really nothing to miss out on unless you fancy corporate ad campaign sites.

okay Adobe representative.

Why not combine the Carrier and the Mothership for their uber unit.

Im not a fan of this trailer. Its too much unlike Diablo and more like a scene from Mordor with campy exposited dialogue. Pretty though.

its massively terrible.

was it capacitive or resistive? what was the rest of the UI like?

looks like you got one of those backwards. Android had folders first, but the implementation used a menu system. The solution Apple came up with folders are fundamentally different.

iPhone was the first capacitive touchscreen and UI to properly complement it. THat's why its the gamechanger.

And Cyan is -Red, and Yellow is -Blue.

The movie fails on every angle to became a generic creature feature. Lacks all suspense, character development, or mystery.

John Lasseter response?

Honestly I have nothing against this.

I think you could this expand this argument to include genres. If Japan paid attention to the PC markets, they mightve expanded gameplay possibilities as well as production efficiency. A lot of genres prevalent on consoles today have their start on the PC.

It might not be a remake, but we can still consider it a reboot.

on top of the barrage of solar wind. Its atmosphere is still way too thin even introducing O2 for us to not experience the effects of a near vacuum.