Robert Simmons

@Breed Evil: ehhh MK still maintains a rather generic fighting engine.

@Nakko: ummm SC1 had LAN play, but lets be real, 90 percent of time online was spent of bNet. Just a silly argument really. Also Activision and Blizzard operate independently.

@ilovetofu: i dunno. i don't have this issue, but one out of the few friends do have this issue. It's obviously a systemic defect that needs to be addressed. most likely due to mass production in haste.

Most of these are way off.

@TorenRocksRobots: it has nothing to do with childhood. it has to do with solid games. mario galaxy 2 is one of the best games made this generation, in the truest sense of what a video game is.

wow, didn't realize Hudson was still around. good stuff.

I actually found the realtime lens blur to be pretty stellar especially with the lights. Never seen an engine get it right quick like that. The textures don't to be a huge step but how lighting and depth are handled will have a huge impact on the realism of environments.

@Daft: the desire to make a video game a wannabe movie has ruined great franchises. What you want would make something great terrible.

@DrZaius: not surprised. i knew about the name's reference but i don't about the Mel Gibson one.

Is it me or does Snake look like Michael Bien in the first box?

JRPGs story's dont hold up as well after you become an adult. Most of the characters are juvenile, dialogue is campy, and story rather contrived.

@ReynaldoRiv: i would hate to have a desktop OS on this thing.

like how the internet browser has firefox buttons.

@yargh: first of all, that font is Futura Book, about as far as shitty as you can get. And secondly, i wish more design simplied put the title on an illustration(which is the focus) instead indulging themselves and cluttering the layout.

@Rawksteady: this was a nice bridge between the two. i like.

@MYDJCROW: still no Carson Daly. :)

What made LotR look good was that it is a combination of camera tricks, make up, landscaping, sets, miniatures, blacksmiths, specialized suits, as well as CGI. It will stand the test of time, something i can't say about the Star Wars prequels, which already looked dated.