Robert Rio

Three votes in and all for ND

All that HP is just too tempting.. NP

Far easier to find a Triumph TR8 if you want a flying wedge with a Rover 3.5.

One would need an update to their tetanus shots before operating that shift knob.

I think this whole situation is blown out of proportion 

I am NOT going to Idaho for this or any other car/truck. Do they even have airports in Idaho?

“See, honey? It just won’t sell!”

At $25k, I still don’t think he actually plans on getting rid of it...

I’d expect people to take it out on the car, not the person... where does he park it?

Everytime I look at a teardown of a modern ICE it becomes remarkably clear why automakers are so willing to move to simplistic electrics.

Mad Jeeps ;-)

This type of bearing does not move. It’s more like a cap.

enginebearings are stationary (should be). A spun bearing is a bad thing in engines. This sounds like the process for removing the debris is the root cause. Whether it’s a vacuum or a blower, something is not right

Maybe I’m an idiot, but aren’t bearings supposed to rotate?  Isn’t that like the whole point of bearings?

I really wanted the alligator.

Don’t look at the picture, don’t look at the picture…

Welp, I guess we’ve finally found a reason not to buy the Cybertruck.

Official parade car for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

What is this? A camper for chickens?