Robert Rio

Yeah, but the racist founder of Ford is long dead so it has that over Tesla.

I’d be much more interested in this at this price if it were a hard top.  Getting that top fixed will be no small feat I’m sure, so ND at any price.

There’s no way I’d ever pay that much money to make myself look like a Dodge Bro, plus with this particular car I’d still have to go the hassle of putting my own yellow painters tape on the front spoiler. ND.

The most surprising part of this post is that it was not a Nissan Altima

I am absolutely convinced that the only reason trucks have gotten larger was so that owners can stick more stickers on their back window.

Pickup trucks. I always seem to run into two types of pickup drivers in my area. The first is someone who works in a trade who is constantly driving around the neighborhood while on their phone. They’re generally going 10 below the speed limit and stopping randomly in the middle of the street because their mind is

I saw a Hellcat Charger or challenger not sure which one, smash a light pole off Jamboree near Hwy 1 yesterday, But that was to be expected...My actual nominee is the Freakin Tahoe. First of all the dam thing is too big, they are driven by short people so they can feel “safe”, but don’t even know the dimensions of

Trucks with flags.

Any truck with modified suspension.

The Nissan Altima is just driven by people with 300 credit scores and no drivers license, not necessarily idiots.

Anything with a crackle/pop tune. The most common offenders by me are BMW 3 series who just endlessly accelerate and slam on the brakes for maximum pop. Good amount of WRXs too. As an old man now, there seems to be a new scene in the WRX world where the ideal is to not have a clean and nice appearing car, but to have

Squatted trucks. I don’t need to say anymore.....

Nice car, ugly decals, too much money. 

All it needs are a half-dozen yuge political flags. This has lived a hard 252K. The first time it breaks the new owner might be surprised at what is there to fix. Bonus.. buy this and you might be able to pick up Boebert. ND for both.

Interesting, but not that interesting. New owner at C&C: “Actually it’s a Daihatsu. They built them under...hey, come back!”

About 20 years ago, I was on an early morning flight on a small CRJ regional jet from Lexington, KY to Chicago. We taxied out to the runway and then began to take off. As we were accelerating down the runway, just as the nose started to lift, we heard this BANG followed by some shuddering, and then we were up in the

These aint lasting anywhere near 500 landings...

It's a Catch-22

Sergeant Major?  We’re not going to talk about that at all?

You can get 2 Lou Malnati’s or 2 Pequod’s pizzas shipped nationwide for under $100, which isn’t really that bad, but I can get a LC Detroit style personal deep dish for like $6 right down the street, so I’m not sure it’s 15 X better and worth the trouble.