Robert Rio

ND Too Mucho Montero

ND it’s a nice specimen if you want a Thunderbird from that era but not many people want a Thunderbird from that era.

ND looks like it was a fun project but the universe of people who want to buy it consists of zero.

ND “wildly expensive maintenance work”

ND there is absolutely nothing desirable about this car, though my brother had a Mustang with the 289 and it seemed like a pretty good engine.

NP even if you can’t get it running it is going to look great in the garage.

NP great first car for a 16 year old (especially if you want to embarrass him/her).

ND he knows what he’s got

NP risky but a heck of a car

I’ve never owned a car that was uncomfortable though my brother did own one of those mini-jeeps from Japan and that thing was not comfortable (very cool though).

Oops meant did NOT come with AC and it was a B210 (my first “nice” car).

ND though I do like it.  A lot of Datsuns from this era didn’t come from the factory with AC and I had major problem with the dealer installed AC in my 201.

ND it will look very beautiful in the mechanic’s bay where it will spend most of its time

NP I agree drive it till it needs a major repair then have it towed to the junk yard for parts.

ND it is for to laugh

ND because I would never drive it so purchasing it would be pointless.

ND for the modifications

ND Nuke it from space it’s the only way to be sure

White cargo van for the win.

ND Way too expensive