Robert Rio

On top of everything else he used it as a tow car.

Lot of people get tripped up on that.  Here in FL we have another weird rule, you can’t pay the sales tax for the customer on giveaways so if you win a free television set you still have to pay the $21 in sales tax the retailer can’t pay it for you.

To fix the odometer you have to install an entire new instrument cluster and it has to be done at a dealership that’s at least $750

Yeah steak egg and cheese is the best because of the grease.  You know you shouldn’t be eating it but damn it tastes good.

NP Oh hell yes.  I’ve wanted this car for the past 50 years.

I have seen exactly one Z in real life, the car doesn’t actually exist.

Very undesirable car but for a person of modest means NP.


Given that hurricanes kill people it’s a smart move.

ND I’ve owned BMWs

It’s perfectly safe and at the same time there is no way in hell I would drink it.  How can you enjoy a beer if there is the slightest chance it was made out of purified toilet water?  It would be on your mind the entire time.

ND love the car would not want to be seen in it though

It’s good hurricane food because it tastes pretty much the same when it’s cold as when it’s hot.


Truck people are Trumpist Vermin.

Trump voters are vermin.

100% behind this why buy the cow when you can drink the milk for free?

I actually cracked up reading this one.

Is there a reason the author is so nasty?

When I was a teen I worked at a place with a walk in and the joke was to convince someone to go in and then hold the door so they couldn’t get out.