Paul F.

Paul Giamatti. I love watching him chew on scenery.

Or Trigger, the gun pet!

That sounds like the complaint of someone who doesn't have gun shoes.

FWIW, I have passed out from laughing so hard I couldn't breathe during several Robin Williams sketches.

For me, it's two people, typically in private, each with different stories. How do you say which one is false and which one is true?

Vampiro. He's a vampire juggalo. Roughly the seventh most insane thing on the show.

So, with "Rusty" killing the various guild members, I think this season is all about escalation and next season will be a murderous mess.

The Adversary has a homing Brimstone attack. So that's fun. You have to fight super close to The Adversary to have a shot at getting through without taking damage.

The thing that always annoyed me about this was there was a homeworld they could have taken. The Markab homeworld was wiped out in season 2. It was being looted. Bam, there's your new homeworld.