That certainly helps, but it doesn’t insure your next meal, a comfy place to live or your next medical procedure...
That certainly helps, but it doesn’t insure your next meal, a comfy place to live or your next medical procedure...
The diesel doesn’t burn completely, some that’s left over remains in the cylinder and washes the oil off the cylinder wall, leading to premature ring and cylinder wear.
To be fair, getting launched in a controlled manner into a impact-reducing snowbank actually seems kind of fun?
Jesus, the person in the red coat riding at that point just disappears into the tangled wreckage.
Man, I’d hate to see how many words you pound out when you’re enthusiastic about jumping into something!
No belt to prevent the kid from trying to crawl out of their seat and tipping it over, and the thing is so top heavy that when the baby is moving around they actually managed to walk the chair a bit. The baby could probably tip that thing over just by dancing to the wiggles.
Quaid........start...the reactor....
Agree completely. Particularly with stuff that is not opinion. Whether or not there is a child sex ring in a pizza place is not opinion. It is verifiably untrue and led to a shooting or similar (I don’t remember the exact details).
We were all born again after that dunk.
The U.S. uses a different octane rating system than New Zealand does (U.S. uses AKI; you’re using RON).
“Safety. Such a pathetic, warm puppy of an issue. Sick to death of it.
I’m Swedish and born in the 70:s. Unfortunately I think my generation will be the last that embraces lagom as a way of life.
Imperialist pig! Kim Jong Il really did have five holes in one! This is a Kinja declaration of war.
The answer is obvious.
Deceased columnist Sydney J. Harris defined the difference between patriotism and nationalism thusly:
Not to be overly pedantic, but this is not a patent, but just an application. The claims give a clearer idea of what the inventors are ultimately trying to protect:
Failture to comply with the same regulations regarding ADA compliant services that taxis do has literally been the complaint since day one with these unregulated “sharing” economy businesses. This is one of the main reasons why Uber as a model is unfairly competitive.
The answers you seek to your other question can be…
YES! FFS if we’re at a 4 way stop, and you clearly were stopped before my wheels were even starting to slow down, then don’t sit there waiting for me to come to a complete stop, pause a moment, then give me the hand-wave through the windshield! Just GO already.