Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.
Mike Pence looks like a stick of deodorant someone taught to wince.
It’s stunning the neo Nazis would have attempted such a thing again after the stern condemnation they received from the President of the United States the last time.
I think someone needs a Snickers!
That is a CBS sitcom! Queue the laugh track!
And Ohio State.
Wait a minute, are you telling me that noted piece of garbage James Woods snorts bushels of cocaine from an actual snow shovel while furiously masturbating to close-in shots of Trump’s whithered golfpants moose knuckle? Wow that’s crazy that he definitely does that.
IMHO, just from dealing with them in the past, former drug addicts that become conservative Republicans are the worst fucking bunch of hypocrites there are.
I’ve never witnessed such hatred for a man who is willing to work to make his country a better place. It is pathological- the way James Woods et al have treated Barack Obama.
I would think James Woods has made himself unemployable, so it may be a moot point for him to retire.
Well I’ll be dipped. I’ll actually feel kinda bad now, when he kicks it.
I need closure on that anecdote!
Fine! give me some chicken mcnuggets and an oreo blizzard then. Also I’m paying with nickels.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.
If she was smart, she’d say the following thing: “Oh that stuff? My bosses at Fox made me say it. They make us all say it.”
Colorado Springs sounds like it isn’t worth visiting. Mad Pooper and mad racoons.
Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.