
True but it was really nice of every cards fan to write in this year.


“Its politics are the result of someone teaching nursing home residents how to use 4chan.”

I’m not even exaggerating when I say that this is one of the best explanations I’ve ever seen about this.

Jesus Christ, where does he get these people? What’s the vetting process? Does he get in a room with them and asks “How shitty a person are you?” and they answer “I’m truly awful” and he goes “You’re hired!”

... annnd Adrian Peterson loses a kid he actually cared about.

I don’t know a lot about Haiti, but the little I do know I like to blame on Hillary Clinton.

But how do you let everyone know that your life is so much better? Sanctimony needs an audience.

Exactly, I have an African Proverb on my wall that says If you want to get someplace quickly, you should go on a lion because they really are the fastest animals.

I know - why spend time on this non story when you could dance like no one’s watching?

Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. This is so brave, Kelly.

I mean, I don't even have a TV, me and the wife cut the cord years ago, you should do it, it's so fantastic.

Well, I don't even own a TV and only see foreign movies at art houses because I'm so into culture.

I totally understand what you mean. I’m the kind of person who listens to NPR instead of Top 40, you know?

Let’s really call them what they are. Extremist...... Interstellar...... Aliens....... Extremist........ Interstellar........ Aliens......... Why can’t they call them just what they are? We need to get rid of this terrestrial correctness and call it what it is.

Or they could have existed a billion years ago or a billion years in the future and we’d never exist at the same time.

That’s a pretty stupid conclusion to draw. She accepted that public speaking money because that was her job and her main source of income at the time. If someone offers you money to give a speech, you take that money and give the speech. There’s no conflict of interest because she wasn’t consulting them on anything.

+1 Clinton Global Initiative and Clinton Fund are two charities doing what charities do - taking in money and spending that on impoverished people.

Exactly. The Clinton Foundation is objectively a well-run charitable organization putting its funds to good use. The optics of it are entirely separate from the fact that it’s actually helping people who need help.