

“Uh..we are so sorry about that. Our bad”. - ZZ Top

Lol. Silly troll replies. Not realizing we are so far passed the point where I will do anything but dismiss you after reading 5 words of your stupid word walls..and never bring you out of your grey little hell.

You know, we may have stumbled upon a real fundamental critique here.

Don’t forget the Nuuge and Kid Rock.

From somebody on PS America: People need to recognize that history will remember Paul Ryan as the Neville Chamberlain of 21rst century racist america. A man who conspired with and capitulated to the worst racists this country has seen in positions of power since the civil war.

Paraphrasing Rogen: These kids are going to have to recognize that if there is a movie or peice of art they like - chances are the artist who created it hates their dads guts.

The right is so used to being allowed by the media to establish the narrative, that the idea these people might be back sassing their betters has them all a tizzy!

“It’s just like herding cats!” - A Cat

It’s funny, I used to “remember” BSG that way too. That it really didn’t go south until the end - but then I recently re-watched the entire series and OMG.

I am less fearful of them having a Lost scenario (planning a one season arc and then just pulling shit out of their asses for 4 more seasons) than I am of them having a Battlestar Galactica vibe - running out of ideas after two seasons and then just becoming an exhausting slog for the remainder with a horrible

From the point of view of a sentient being that has undergone its own “tech singularity” moment (it achieves sentience and then almost instantly has 10x the intellect of any human) all makes sense.

Well..when you put it that way. Wait - wut?

Doh! Can’t even paraphrase quote myself right. Although I guess it works either way.

Yes. Really ruins the marbling in your veal.

I hope his well laid plans for his very own Reich Chancellery meet an end similar to Heydrich’s.

So Doloras wins, wipes out humanity and the hosts spend endless millenia torturing endless versions of Ed Harris?

If I remember correctly (not gonna look up because...grrrrr) the cantaloupe calves came from carrying hundred pound bags o weed through the desert and lobbing them over the wall (swear he actually said something like that ..and worse).

Because MTV was still trying to pose as a “Rock” institution..and doing a poor job of it. Because..mostly hair bands. Maybe some Adam Ant?

Yep. The deep cut FM revolution of the late 70's died a horrible death. MTV devolved into a battle of hair bands. College radio was the only thing that could be good or play anything remotely not pop or dinosaur rock.