
I had a version of it in 1983? that came on an actual 5 1/4 floppy.

I think, in the finale, we see all the parties arrive at the then dry “Forge” (including all the missing hosts from the frozen storage lockers who are now woke Ghost Nation soldiers) to do battle with Hales forces to take it.

If this is not the horrible straw that finally breaks the camel’s back - It implies that the straw does not exist.

Remember in season one, the room with all the deactivated hosts (including Ake’s girl) is discovered to have been - duh! duh! duh! - emptied out.

That is exactly what it is, but I was just speculating on the time period dealt with here. (Some took it otherwise.)

Yeah, I read that interview. He even compares it kind of like a GOT thing.

He is also shot, in the arms - maybe multiple times (by Meave and one of his own henchman) - and delivered two killing bullets to the torso. Then proceeds to just kind of crawl around for a period of time, before being discovered by Ake who is “healing him”...with what?

“The most emotionally resonate outcome would be that William is fully human and has been wrapped into this world so deeply that he can no longer discern what is real or even if he’s real.”

I think the Clementine data bomb is what creates all the floating hosts in the lake. Either through her, or Bernard picked it up from her while watching.

Hoping Felix shows up in the finale to patch Maeve up and turn her loose on Dolores? William? Just anybody really.

“is that the robots make replicants of powerful people all over the world, murder the real humans, and replace them with robots to lay the groundwork for the robot revolution.”

But why would William do that with James Delos? He has taken over his entire empire from him. In fact, in the last scene with William and Delos, the tech tells him that the transference is actually working and has been glitch free for longer than ever but William basically tells him - so what?- after messing him up by

I keep thinking about a scene in season one where William and Lawrence find Teddy who is near death tied to a tree.

They are almost to the valley when Teddy offs himself, so I am guessing Doloras gets him there before it is flooded (in some massive finale where they all meet up there). That is all just timeline trickery. The scene we see early on with Bernard at the lakes edge is what the whole season has been building toward (the

In this case it is a host with a human brain that has a tech interface.

“We’ve been shown and told the technology doesn’t work yet. We just saw him read as a human.”

Well, I wish you were dead too? Does that make it feel any better snowflake?

“And William clearly he’s thinks a host or host hybrid?”

His exhibit will be next to some guy with the improbable initials: W.C.

Uhh...Amen and shit.