My dad did his 34? missions in Europe and came home. He was assigned to train Chinese pilots in the B-29 back here in the states. During that assignment, they told him he would be redeployed to fly B-29's for the invasion of Japan.
My dad did his 34? missions in Europe and came home. He was assigned to train Chinese pilots in the B-29 back here in the states. During that assignment, they told him he would be redeployed to fly B-29's for the invasion of Japan.
Saul is the Walrus.
For several years, I would see her on Dr. Who and think: Damn I know her really well..just can’t quite place it and to lazy to IMDB.
Hey what a coinky.
“Btw, is the reply button bugged for you when first opening a notification (in a new tab)? I can’t get it to work unless I ctrl-reload the page.”
Well, statistically - if I just hit Genghis Khan I have a 1 in 200 chance of hitting paydirt as well.
I have to get those dates and places. For when I perfect my time traveling machine.
Sample Alexa conversation I discovered from my own home:
The recipe I found last year (but can’t seem to find now damnit!) for the breading was flour, salt, pepper and smoked paprika ..or maybe regular paprika can’t remember.
If Kevin World, involves a version of Kevin being shot or hacked up, only to be resurrected everyday to relive it then - I’m in!
I think what he was trying to say was:
It’s puzzling...I mostly remember this.
I have no idea what you people are referencing ...
I prefered Christopher Walkens description of all humanity when he was playing the Archangel Gabriel: Damn talking monkeys.
Hey now: Dana worked long and hard to find something offensive enough to drown out the reek of Russia that follows him everywhere.
Wow. I completly agree with that.
God I hate you, assholes like you..the assholes that are upvoting you.
Well, the way I did it, that resulted in a fillet that tasted exactly like theirs was to cover three frozen breast in a pyrex bowl half way with salt water and the rest with the dill pickle juice. Cover and let thaw overnight in the fridge. The brineing itself makes the breast retain moisture and gives it a great…
Oh Evil Lincoln - you incorrigible scamp you! Its okay. Those kids deserved it.