
It reminds me of Obama talking about the federal govt. being like a big tanker at sea. You have to start steering way in advance to see any movement.

Recalling that things started to go south for Bush, not after botching Katrina, or the disastrous Iraq war (or a hundred other blunders)..but when his idiot supporters were finally hit with a year or so of $4 plus a gallon gas for a while.

It’s really difficult to come up with analogies or metaphors or even satire at this point for such a blatant and obvious fact.

“Hey now. Let’s not give Deutsche Bank all the credit!” - Bank of Cyprus, Wilbur Ross Commerce Secretary

I only read the head line and the first paragraph - so there.

“Or... hear me out...Kanye could just not be that smart when it comes to world history.”

Mitt (shown picture of steak) : “It doesn’t look like anything to me”.

“Mike Pence is what happens when Anderson Cooper isn’t gay.”

Yes I can. Scares the shit out of me.

“The world reeled for thirty seconds and then returned to its regularly scheduled program, Hell All the Time.”


LOL. You give a shit about Tim Allen. Tim.

Thank you for turning me on to this thing of beauty.

Yes. Yes we are.

Nope. And you mean like random convicted drug dealers..or the specific dealers his bitch ass narcing sent to jail?

Also too: Tim Allen is a convicted coke dealer who narced out his buddies to get a lower sentence.

Because during their peak - Unions represented the largest amassment of collective wealth outside of corporations - and that union wealth funded the only political opposition to corporate power.

But has he ruled out hosting (or co-hosting) the next WHCD? Because that was the original joke.

Deloras did say the valley beyond was a “weapon” that she was going to use against them - so activating a bunch of hidden hosts all over the world sounds pretty good.

I am not saying the camps are not a logical progression to the story, but there were enough little triumphs sprinkled in thoughout last season to keep the thing from just seeming like a hopeless death march.