“What a world, what a morning. Watch the full interview below.”
“What a world, what a morning. Watch the full interview below.”
“You’re damn right I stole everything I could get my hands on...and I’d do it again”!
You know. It is almost like people have forgotten what the words “mentally ill” and “genius” actually mean.
Chronic persistent bipolar disorder.
And one fancy dog.
It is insane that Andy Lack still has a job.
Arnolds level of control (he was still altering hosts programs 30 years after his death with nothing but buried code) is also 30 years of technology in the past.
The whole thing where Bernard explains how the hosts are linked with each other, to keep from storylines conflicting- he says, means other hosts with control (like Maeve..and Dolores because she is controlling those bandits) may discover they have a lot more power over things -not just the other hosts.
“In fact, there’s a scene, which I think may be the first scene that we shot for the pilot, that speaks to the overarching scene of Season Two.”
Holy crap that is a good spot! And right on the nose too. She hated Tony - just in it for the money.
As a scifi fan in the 70's, read several stories where men were removed from the reproduction equation.
Donnie Brasky!
Actually, I did contract work on MIS/POS system for a chain that modeled their scheduling algorithm after Walmarts and - no he wasn’t.
Magic 8 Ball says: For the love of God - SOON!
Yeah, this was a long time before Obama tried to get rid of the “Salaried Slavery” rules.
“Rand Paul is a sheep in sheep’s clothing.” - Charlie Pierce
One that still has a nagging molecule of remembrance of his Hippocratic Oath and needs to poor some alcohol on it to quiet it down.
Does Walmart still do this thing?
Calling it. 6ft - 325 lbs.