With already 90 comments I am sure this best thing has already been mentioned but..
With already 90 comments I am sure this best thing has already been mentioned but..
Nixon (a guy who spent the war hustling poker with the gear in the rear) and the RNC -made a guy who flew thirty combat missions over extremely hostile territory - look like a pussy.
McGovern - The first (of many) actual war hero’s to be destroyed by the yellow elephant brigade.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Eat. A lot. Of Food. (Then pass out for a while)
Pretty sure in this case, graft and greed come into play.
But then, where would turtle wife work?
Wut? That makes it even worse?
Wow. So it only took you two days to come up with that? IMPRESSIVE!
It captures both his “whale-ness” and his “penis-ness”.
“Frontbutt” #Thejerseysquidbilly
That is the worst thing about him. How do you get into the mind of someone who, had it not been for “entitlements” would probably be running a Chevy dealership (because of his looks alone..otherwise a Walmart..maybe) in Racine: whose entire focus in life is to screw over people who need help, in favor of those who…
I had been reading Pierce excoriating him for years, without really hearing him speak any longer than a minute or two - until the VP debates.
It works if you use the term as the joke it was invented to be.
I have yet to see one that could even make me consider switching, largely because even the most personable of them are just lying through their teeth in order to get elected and transform into monsters.
Charlie Pierce had him relentlessly nailed from the get go.
“But after Trump, and how the Republican party has abdicated any responsibility for protecting this country from a traitorous buffoon, I will go to my grave never casting a vote for a Republican at any level of government for the rest of my life.”
Congratulations to Castellanos on his ability to write a pretty good imitation of a David Brooks “reinvention” column. One that Brooks has regularly churned out at repeating intervals for decades now (at different venue) every single time the Republicans cycle through the “gain power, ruin everything” saga.
“I am focused on opioids. Specifically, the handful I am going to be consuming that one day in November.”