
I hear they give out free “night cheese” there as well.

In the other - just- universe.

Remember that campaign event- where he rushed into the kitchen at that homeless shelter, put on an apron and started scrubbing already cleaned pots for the photo -op? the actual kitchen workers glared balefully at him from a distance?

Biden was so amazed by Paulie’s vapidity - he almost couldn’t stop laughing long enough to kick his ass.

Do it! DO IT!

Things are really weird down here in hell.

Heh. That’s my favorite part. When she actually just admits it.

Well, she turned Cohen into a Newt.

She was on WTF Maron thousands of years (4 months?) ago and it was kind of weird.

Personal? You come on and tell your (most likely made up) life story where you cruise around shopping at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and Sams Club using SNAP and how you are doing just why can’t everybody?

If your wife is a professional..anything?, you own a car and are still able to be shopping at Trader Joes for anything - you are far from the average SNAP recipient.

Moby should try doing what other over privileged white asshats (Gwyneth types if not actually Gweneth) have done and try buying enough “healthy food” to live on - using the average food stamp recipients budget.

But that doesn’t line up with these compelling future headlines?:

Yes. They didn’t stop to think: Just because they could, doesn’t mean they should...take all my money.

I like the cut of your jib and must subscribe to your newsletter..but


Your comment is strange. I don’t see anything at all.......oh wait!

Queeg, ball bearings with Drummond’s heart attack and the fried chicken. Perfect.

This. I saw them in 1980?. Had really good seat front row.

Yeah, I didn’t read any of them because - I read them all as they occurred.