
COOP Only BTW. That’s a Huge oversight to not include.

A lot of people seem to think Kim won't survive to the end of the series, but I don't see that happening. If Kim dies, I don't see Jimmy ending up as the Saul we see in Breaking Bad.

Oh god, what I would give for more of this!

Do you think somebody who spent $100,000 on a car in this game feels like they’ve “retained their value” because they got a generic replacement car in a different game?

Its worse because the dlc cost $100,000 was touted as an investment and doesn’t exist anymore.

Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

Sony Pictures Executive #1: “We’ve got this super hot video game property, that would make a great movie. So let’s find the best director possible to make our movie.”

Is Holland charismatic as Drake, or doing the same golly gee whiz charisma thing he does as Spidey? He doesn’t seem that Nathan Drake-y in the trailers.

I am sorry, but in no universe was Cartman not fucking with Kyle when he was referencing scripture while fucking his wife.  

It’s SO obvious. Think about it … Victor Chaos? Insane asylum?

First of all, Gozer coming back undercuts the importance of the first film in a way. If the Ghostbusters didn’t actually defeat her, what was the point? They just delayed her? Afterlife suggests that she has continued to come back over the centuries, including appearances in 1984 and 2021. So is that fate? Was she

There are a lot of new companies making new games, go play those, this kind of combat is what fans of the company are looking for from them

I think more of a culmination than a rehash. Not sure why they should make a new kind of game when they are good at making the games they make.

“Rehash of everything FromSoft has already done.”

Visually, looks a world apart from the Snyderverse. Which, I know, some people think Snyder “at least has good cinematography,” but he doesn’t really - his films are often ugly, drenched in overly artificial CGI and unearned slow-mo. So this seems like a big improvement.

I’ll never understand some of y’all’s hate on Nolan. One of the best directors alive today.

Haters gonna hate. I cannot wait. 

The criminals are all okay, the explosions cushioned the blow.

That Batmobile is stealing the show. (Please have this Batman not kill please have this Batman not kill)

The corridor scene really sells why some robbers would believe the myth of Batman. I’m simply loving the aesthetics in this trailer.