
ok, so...that’s the report. there is NO mention about the number of people—it is a very measured and accurate report. you are such a goddamn liar it’s just pathetic. so now that i have dragged out of you the 1! example you could find, i read it, and you are 100% mischaracterizing it. as well you say it was “refuted”

“articles that splinter has posted” quickly becomes “(not named fox news)“ magically without a SINGLE LINK to either anything in splinter/gawker, or anywhere else for that matter. dude, i get it. you made something up to make yourself feel better. you have no receipts. you are not smart or good enough to play this

i had the good fortune, in the headier days of online journalism, to hire a bunch of producers and on-air hosts for Huff Post Live. i was trying to build a diverse team so i was looking beyond the usual precincts, which meant that i was open to employees from both FNC and Russia Today (whose perniciousness was already

and examples, with links to clear refutations from reliable sources, that are in any way as clear cut and similar to this would help make me think you aren’t just a random whataboutism liar.

have you seen the doc about him and his other fellow officers trying to fight corruption and racism in the NYPD?  he’s a fucking hero, a guy who literally grew up in the harshest possible circumstances and has become everything i wish i could be.  it is absurd to criticize him for trying to make his profession better.

i will respond, because maynard, but: no. what you say and what you do, editorially, says who and what you are as a publication. So this GROUP of sites says “the nfl is evil” and proves it about 1000 ways, but when it needs clicks on sunday...IT’S TIME FOR SOME FUTTTTBALLL

yes i get all of this, and yes, you are right.  my mother ran a battered women’s center when i was growing up in vermont, and i was responsible for helping the women go in and out of the safe house.  i saw and heard horrendous things every goddamn week and it was trying on the soul.  and i have a daughter.  i hear all

Tottaly fair, and totally agree. i really think that lebron’s post bball career could be transformative. he’s got something special and what seems to be a really great heart.

all good. can we go back to our regularly scheduled rage about Jeff Fucking Flake please?

i mean, we are supposed to celebrate Kobe Bryant’s career, though he too has basically admitted to anal rape. so two of the century’s greatest athletes are anal rapists.

i don’t...this is the opposite of my point?  sigh. sure, i agree with you, and agreed with you.

0nce more into the breach: it’s so confusing trying to keep up with deadspin, or deadbel or whatever. on the one hand, the many excellent progressive writers here explain in great detail the evil that is both the NFL and the NCAA, especially around football in the latter case, and yet HERE’S 25 POSTS ON THE NFL ON

no, no, i hate the NCAA with a fiery passion as well.  also, fuck high school football.

that’s exactly the opposite of the point that you yourself pulled to highlight. don’t think you got my point, though maybe that’s because i wasn’t clear enough.  i’m (i think clearly?) demanding recognition from barry, here, in this post, that he say “there were lots of non-shitheads out there, but i chose to be a

I hear all of this, and i don’t disagree at all. I think i did a bad job of expressing my point, so let me try a slightly different way: within the context of barry’s very specific post i wanted HIM to acknowledge that not every behaved the way barry and drew et al did.

Barry, here’s the positive: i’m a huge fan of your work here on the site, and have been since i started reading it regularly 7 or 8 years ago. the site has continue to progress, and to be more progressive, over that time.

one of the many things that make the death of gawker so sad is that you have the New Yorker, a bastion of liberal seriousness, doing shoddy-ass crap like this and the desiccated-corpose-of-nick-denton’s-dream being a necessary corrective. Peter Thiel would have done the world a way bigger fucking favor if he’d gone

why can’t it be both?

I’m pretty sure this is part of the Clips’ “pivot to video” in order to “optimize synergies across multiple playing platforms” while “maximizing user experience” via “aggregating data and selling it to our brand partners.”

football is a lovely sport played by lovely people. the people who run the sport are also lovely. the owners of the sport are lovely people. just a terrific bunch all around. glad to read about it, and shocked to see that one of these lovely people intentionally tried to damage another, on behalf of the lovely owners,