
i mean, we are supposed to celebrate Kobe Bryant’s career, though he too has basically admitted to anal rape. so two of the century’s greatest athletes are anal rapists.

i don’t...this is the opposite of my point?  sigh. sure, i agree with you, and agreed with you.

0nce more into the breach: it’s so confusing trying to keep up with deadspin, or deadbel or whatever. on the one hand, the many excellent progressive writers here explain in great detail the evil that is both the NFL and the NCAA, especially around football in the latter case, and yet HERE’S 25 POSTS ON THE NFL ON

no, no, i hate the NCAA with a fiery passion as well.  also, fuck high school football.

that’s exactly the opposite of the point that you yourself pulled to highlight. don’t think you got my point, though maybe that’s because i wasn’t clear enough.  i’m (i think clearly?) demanding recognition from barry, here, in this post, that he say “there were lots of non-shitheads out there, but i chose to be a

I hear all of this, and i don’t disagree at all. I think i did a bad job of expressing my point, so let me try a slightly different way: within the context of barry’s very specific post i wanted HIM to acknowledge that not every behaved the way barry and drew et al did.

Barry, here’s the positive: i’m a huge fan of your work here on the site, and have been since i started reading it regularly 7 or 8 years ago. the site has continue to progress, and to be more progressive, over that time.

one of the many things that make the death of gawker so sad is that you have the New Yorker, a bastion of liberal seriousness, doing shoddy-ass crap like this and the desiccated-corpose-of-nick-denton’s-dream being a necessary corrective. Peter Thiel would have done the world a way bigger fucking favor if he’d gone

why can’t it be both?

I’m pretty sure this is part of the Clips’ “pivot to video” in order to “optimize synergies across multiple playing platforms” while “maximizing user experience” via “aggregating data and selling it to our brand partners.”

football is a lovely sport played by lovely people. the people who run the sport are also lovely. the owners of the sport are lovely people. just a terrific bunch all around. glad to read about it, and shocked to see that one of these lovely people intentionally tried to damage another, on behalf of the lovely owners,

i had the great (dis)pleasure of working with abby at huff post live, where arianna forced me to work with her despite my protestations that she was a dumb person, and a bad human to boot. her takes were always “i know this goes against conventional inside-the-beltway talking points, but [inside-the-beltway talking

pass the popcorn, this is going to be great!

somewhere in an alternate universe, glenn greenwald reads this and his head explodes.

football players are assholes. football is a sport for assholes. watching these guys try to injure each others’ brains is infuriating. i can’t wait for this sport to die an unlamented death.

no, players can still be SOLD to other teams, just not bought in. so pogba could still go to barcelona up until the 28th. MU just wouldn’t be able to replace him.

this is exactly as funny as your podcast.

i suppose, given that i care about my children (and their future offspring), and given that i, like what is now the majority of the human race, live in an urban environment, i should note that the right car for everyone to have in the future is non-polluting, has few parts, does not mean paving more rainforest so

cool story: i was 16 and an athlete on a pro-track, and i never used any of these words even in conversation because doing so made you racist or homophobic or an asshole. that was in 1984. it’s weird how the worst people back in my school were the pro-track football and baseball players (i was soccer) and it’s still

indeed. i’d like to introduce you to a little school called “Vassar” the home of mediocre men and the exceptional women who have little option but to sleep with them.