
it is a minor but nonetheless on-some-level noteworthy accomplishment that i was actually able to introduce Werner Herzog to Kinski's oeuvre (note please that Kinski also releases music as "Herzog" because they are funny, ish). His take: "this noise has pleasant elements, and reminds me of...(long anecdote about

1- no

the NFL is a sick bloated corrupt organization that represents, quite accurately, a sick bloated and corrupt sport. it's a sport that takes normal humans and asks them to become too large, too fat (often), and too aggressive. it is responsible for an epidemic of CTE which, were it a virus, would require massive

bullshit, 100%. look up "sub-concussive hits" then come back, chastened, never to spout off some nonsense without first checking your facts again.

jamison's a damn fine reporter, so you might want to give this a closer look.

you are awesome. this game is NOT FOR THE WEAK is the perfect horseshit answer to this. perfect. poe's law wins again.

good point, bro. there is nothing to be learned from, you know, watching it, or maybe, as in my case, producing an emmy nominated documentary series (Casualties of the Gridiron) about football. so your point is well taken, and stands. /ornot

just going to keep posting this, because it is always right:

i've played rugby. you NEVER lead with your head, and this stuff doesn't happen. i've played soccer, a lot, at really high levels, and though there are head injuries (and sometimes serious ones) they do not occur because someone is leading with their head. and i've played lacrosse, which though it features helmets

the photo of mario as all of the beatles is just amazing, like a butthole surfers cover meets the residents.

somewhere my wife, jill greenberg, is saying "no.fucking.way" to this, because of this. and by somewhere i mean in the next room over.

to take gallahad's point even further—there is now copious evidence that every claim gatorade has ever made about its efficacy was false at the time based on lack of evidence, and is false now based on a preponderance of evidence regarding uptake of electrolytes. turns out, funny story, that gatorade is a 100%

student athlete student athlete student athlete student athlete.

This is more evidence it's time for all of us who give a shit about our fellow humans to stop watching the NFL, stop patronizing its sponsors, and force real and existential changes on the league.

sending you a tasteful gif(t) basket for this.

let me see if i understand your point here drew: you (and keith olbermann, and everybody else) are just now noticing that the NFL is a fucked up nasty American institution? and like this incident is your my lai or something, maybe the pentagon papers?

we 86'd his integrity this morning.

tl:dr but to answer your question: it will continue to be an environmental nightmare, beloved by the worst amongst us in this country, and a place where old assholes actually go to die in their mcmansions.

this is the ultimately darren rovell. this is peak darren rovell. this is the motherlode, the ne plus ultra, the be-all end-all. this is gog and magog. this is the shit, written by the shit, about the shittiness which is our world.