
the next time anyone anywhere wants to give ian murphy shit for having written "fuck the troops"…, please...just send them this article. horrible human beings all around, wasting your money and mine (i'm glad my taxpayer dollars are going to the skydiving team, and to the OS

none of these words, no matter how i rearrange them, make any sense.

for all of the NFL's scandals, and they are too numerous to list, the fact is many of the injuries/concussions/off field incidents come down to one main issue: football players are taught from a young age to be total assholes. to us, to each other, to their fellow students/colleagues/humans. just

1999 called, it wants its anti-soccer comment back.

fuck that. i've spent a lifetime putting up with the bullshit of america first american sports first assholes telling me my sport sucked. i'm glad deadspin is putting some effort into its coverage of soccer. it's appreciated. stop whining.


i actually made a video about this sort of thing for funnyordie, featuring andrew breitbart back when he was still a pox upon us all.

my wife is a top top photographer, not quite at terry's level but up for some of the same jobs. those jobs go to men about 90% of the time (that's anecdotal from my experience, but i'm guessing it's really low actually and it's closer to 99%). apparently cameras require the use of a penis in some way? no matter,