Robert Green

5 episodes—still not ONE character has mentioned the word "frey" other than jamie in passing. does this not bother people? why hasn't arya claimed this scalp more directly?

How can you discuss this fake history movie 300 without linking to David Brin's seminal blog post eviscerating every aspect of the lies and calumny heaped on the athenians?

"By the way, racist name" is POSSIBLY a shout-out/homage to Pam Brady (south park OG writer)'s early internet series Mr. Wong, which got pilloried for being racist based on the name and the content.

"Piano its so 'fond' of"
If this were a Yelp review, it'd basically be: "the food, though beautifully plated, has no flavor at all. I left the restaurant hungrier and colder than how i came in. 4 stars out of 5"

Uproxx, another website that talks about entertainment, did a post. you should go read it there since they wrote it.

far and away the best line from the series this season: "my uncle beat the russians." "what does he think about the americans?" "he knows how to beat you too."