Robert Muscroft

Your mind has formed a protective barrier.

I think it hit a nerve for me because it came after the episode where Mickey chooses to stay in the parallel universe to fight the Cybermen and look after his counterpart/his grandmother. Rose seemed to get over it too quickly considering her reaction in that episode

Idiot's Lantern was the one set on the Queen's Coronation day, in which the Doctor and Rose take over an evil wife-beating bloke's house for funsies and The Doctor fights a television monster who screams something like "I'm hungry" atop a TV transmitter

A friend of mine refuses to acknowledge the existence of Fear Her. He thinks it's that bad.

Point taken. Season 2 was the season where Rose and the Doctor got so blinking cocky they were five minutes away from sticking their tongues out at the Daleks and saying "neh, neh, neh, neh, neh!", wasn't it?

I think that the problem with RTD was that he strongly believed that the "breather episode" was important from the audience's point of view as well as a production one. Alas, given how "heavy" most of the episodes he presided over were (not), he was wrong. If the audience needs a break after an emotionally involved

For me its more the fact that it took him three seasons to show the improvement RTD showed by Christmas 2005

I gave the episode itself a 6 (bit better than average, but barely). However I regraded it as a 3 just because of that

Great, Clara, don't get cocky…. oh… wait….

What annoys me about season 6 and 7 is that, together they come off as though someone told Moffat that the highly serialised nature of season 6 was not sitting well with viewers, so he decided to do the exact opposite in season 7 rather than refine the formula.

I do think its time for Moffat to move on though, now. I think it is fair to say that his seasons (season 7 in particular for me) have even very uneven

Oh, certainly. It's just a shame that, instead of respecting the opinions of others, people start name calling.

I think this season has overall been the best since season 4. The only episodes that I disliked were Magician's Apprentice and Witch's Familiar (and I've had several people on the internet call me an idiot for it, but my reasons stand) and Sleep No More (which I disliked less because of the episode itself but more