Robert Mueller

Kylo and his Knights of Ren cut down an entire group of younglings and then he ordered the murder of an entire village, not to mention killing his own father….I think it is safe to say that he is "dark", " evil" whatever just not good.

I always believed that these futuristic starships have what is akin to A.I. autopilots that can make them do maneuvers that it would be impossible for a human to make, it is only when the pilot wants the ship to do something *out of the ordinary* that the pilot's skill really comes into play, like when Rey flips the

The Force, as I understand it, has two sides like a coin. In order for it to balance it has to be equal on both sides. If there is to be "balance", then either a Sith(or whatever they are called " Knights of Ren") or a Jedi has to master both sides of the Force. Which is what I thought Luke did in ROTJ. Apparently not

Hiding something in "plane sight" is one of the oldest tricks in the book…ask any drug dealer where they hide stuff they don't want found, right under your nose.