"Oh j'adore zeese twin towairs! We will make beautiful musique togezzer! Honh honh honh!"
"Oh j'adore zeese twin towairs! We will make beautiful musique togezzer! Honh honh honh!"
The Platonic Academy Club!
Maybe he won't end up in prison - someone could pay his baal!
That scene made me wish that every Coen Bros movie started with a Pixar-like short.
Ghostbusters: The First Generation (1959)
Starring: Lauren Bacall, Shirley MacLaine, Ginger Rogers, and Lucille Ball
Featuring: Tab Hunter as their cute-but-dumb secretary
Ghostly cameos from: Jimmy Stewart, Jack Lemmon, Jack Benny, and Alfred Hitchcock
Directed by: Billy Wilder
Theme by: Ray Charles
Giant eyeballs: people who read AV but rarely comment
Witch-like figures: the frequent commenters
That Massive Skeleton: A. A. Dowd
The A.V. Club
Giant eyeballs, witch-like figures, that massive skeleton.
"Muffins make us sad :("
That's true - Staten Island is several miles away from my home in Brooklyn.
Bob Costas: "Competing in the 2016 Grizzle-lympics are Jeff Bridges, Robert Duvall, Donald Sutherland, Harrison Ford, Harvey Keitel, Ron Perlman, and reigning champion Tommy Lee Jones.
How do they pronounce hockey? "Oak-ee?"
Indeed, the Lego CEO is supported by an able senior staff, including the VP of Duplo Strategy, Director of Bionicle Resources, and CTO (Chief Technic Officer)
His grammar alone is a sure giveaway!
I have a feeling this petition will be inafflecktive.
Saltwater Aquariums
[Pruitt-Igoe houses blow up]
"Watcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad moms bad moms…"
I have a coworker with the uncanny ability and predilection to relate any workplace event to a scene in that movie.
For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.
I have some exes that score well on that ratio, yuk yuk yuk!