
"Oh j'adore zeese twin towairs! We will make beautiful musique togezzer! Honh honh honh!"

The Platonic Academy Club!

Maybe he won't end up in prison - someone could pay his baal!

That scene made me wish that every Coen Bros movie started with a Pixar-like short.

Ghostbusters: The First Generation (1959)
Starring: Lauren Bacall, Shirley MacLaine, Ginger Rogers, and Lucille Ball
Featuring: Tab Hunter as their cute-but-dumb secretary
Ghostly cameos from: Jimmy Stewart, Jack Lemmon, Jack Benny, and Alfred Hitchcock
Directed by: Billy Wilder
Theme by: Ray Charles

Giant eyeballs: people who read AV but rarely comment
Witch-like figures: the frequent commenters
That Massive Skeleton: A. A. Dowd

The A.V. Club
Giant eyeballs, witch-like figures, that massive skeleton.

"Muffins make us sad :("

That's true - Staten Island is several miles away from my home in Brooklyn.

Bob Costas: "Competing in the 2016 Grizzle-lympics are Jeff Bridges, Robert Duvall, Donald Sutherland, Harrison Ford, Harvey Keitel, Ron Perlman, and reigning champion Tommy Lee Jones.

How do they pronounce hockey? "Oak-ee?"

Indeed, the Lego CEO is supported by an able senior staff, including the VP of Duplo Strategy, Director of Bionicle Resources, and CTO (Chief Technic Officer)

His grammar alone is a sure giveaway!

I have a feeling this petition will be inafflecktive.

Saltwater Aquariums

[Pruitt-Igoe houses blow up]

"Watcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad moms bad moms…"

I have a coworker with the uncanny ability and predilection to relate any workplace event to a scene in that movie.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.

I have some exes that score well on that ratio, yuk yuk yuk!