Robert Mensies

Game of Thrones started well, but is grossly overrated. Like "Sherlock" it is shallow as a bird-bath entertainment. GOT gets stupider every episode. "True Blood" is superior to GOT for the simple fact it doesn't take itself so seriously.

"Sherlock" is OK but it is just a cartoon — or fluff, if you like. Elementary is so much deeper and more intelligent. All the characters are real people; not one-dimensional as in "Sherlock".

What? Another sock-puppet?

There is much more to Elementary than the plots. And there is hell of a lot more linking Elementary to the books than the names. There are links to the books all over the place — too many to enumerate. The "feminazi" dog, for example, is an idea from the books — "the strange behaviour of the dog in the night" (it did

Don't people who aren't Bipolar also take anti-diarrhea medication? I have some myself, although I am definitely not bi-polar. I thought Sherlock uses a few more cues than that. And do all bipolar medications cause diarrhea?

Poetic licence. It happens in all TV shows and films. It would have made more sense if Mycroft's snipers had fired almost simultaneously with the boss villain saying "Kill them!". But, somehow, that would have seemed too easy (Liu and the writers probably wanted to drag the scene out for dramatic reasons), but would

No, Americans don't always think their shows are best. It's often the opposite. I am not American or British, but this time the Americans are out in front by the length of the home straight.

'Sherlock' is a child's cartoon by comparison with 'Elementary'. I don't think Lucy Lui is there solely because of her "alluring curve of limb". And even if people see it as a "will they, won't they", I doubt they will. I hope not. The male/female bromance is interesting and brave. The erotiscim in the show comes from