robert jokeseph

it says a lot about me that i initially assumed you meant you omit alien 3 from david fincher marathons, rather than the much more obvious take

source code. holy shit? it's immeasurably obvious that the freeze frame tracking shot was intended as the final moment of the film, right?

it still does! but pepsi blue did not.

if it means i can get yeezys for under a billion dollars per foot then sign me the fuck up

sounds good to me!

i'm down with this. i dunno. this seems…fun?

what in the fuck

now just cast japanese people and shoot it like speed racer 2008 and i think i'd be on board.

the daniels are amazing. they're like the weirder version of phil lord & chris miller. let em do whatever they want.

i actually like graduation more, but i feel that late reg is better, you know? it's the stronger work, while graduation is candy.

sure, that's incredibly fuckdumb (although it's dumber on paper; you're ignoring the clown-smile cadence he uses while saying it which changes the tone a lot and makes it a bit smarmy rather than just, you know, stupid) but i already talked about how the life of pablo is weaker than basically everything else he did.

nah, he's psychotically (like, stratospherically, once-per-decade level) talented and i think it's just not for you probably. just pay attention to something else.

your first problem was playing the gems collection version, which is a port of -another- port and is probably the worst version of the game. the best version of the game is actually the very easily accessible 2011 HD remix you can get on steam, ps3, iOS, android, and xbox 360/one.

miyamoto doesn't care, though. not anymore. (paper mario and f-zero's demises are proof enough of that). that's a discussion for another day, though.

cd is easily the best sonic game, i vote, and 2 is the worst of the best, but any of the original four (1,2 , 3, and CD; 3/K is one game, come on) could be argued for that slot pretty reasonably. i think 2 actually has the blandest art direction, worst music, and is most overlong of that bunch, but that's like saying

this looks neat! i can't wait for this comments section to probably be a garbage fire

christ. i'm just shaking my head at this even trying to figure out where to begin. i tried answering your initial question based on how -i- personally felt (which you just kinda flipped out over), and, again, my "irrational" fucking reason for being excited for death stranding is:

you're an angry-ass dude. do you even like things

since my literal first thoughts about sunset overdrive were "this feels like a great spider-man game" this is the game i'm most pumped for at e3

for one thing, it's aesthetically interesting as fuck and that's enough to arrest my attention regardless of what the end product looks like.