Being old is just a state of mind... Some people never get old :) I've seen grandpa's and grandma's with soul of a teenager and also i've seen teenagers who are living like seniors without life energy what so ever...
Being old is just a state of mind... Some people never get old :) I've seen grandpa's and grandma's with soul of a teenager and also i've seen teenagers who are living like seniors without life energy what so ever...
NSFW. Like, really, do not bring this to work. (Unless you work where I work and then all bets are off, my friends.…
I don't care for the guy but that stalker paparazzi deserved it. Following him in a rural area to his private cabin? WTF
not shocking, when hollywood is run by men who refuse to grow up for an audience of young men who aren't grown up
Actually, I thought the film was about disempowered, paranoid masculinity—and Wendy to some extent is a projection of Jack's fears about his lack of status in the world. That she prevails in the end, despite her seeming weakness, is very telling. I try to keep my sense of the novel (which I very much enjoyed) and the…
I know makeup can do wonders... But still it isn't magic, some things it can't cover... I respect your oppinion but i am still not convienced ;)
I believe it's a new person voicing Elmo, since his creator was caught up in a pedophilia controversy about a year ago.
This is getting ridiculous!! 7 episodes a year??? what kind of way is that to treat your fans??? The people in control of these shows are getting mighty big headed and taking advantage of their viewing audiences' love for the shows. What a shame.
College football is a joke. In fact, college itself is a joke. All this false talk about integrity, education, morals, discipline , etc. It's all a sham. You have programs actively participating in recruiting men who have no business being on a college campus. I'm not knocking these men for that, I didn't go to…
Those "Collector's Editions/Treasury Editions" were things of beauty. I had several as a child, then came across a whole slew, duing my collecting days, at a warehouse sale for a prominent comic shop in Charlotte. I bought a whole stack of 'em and had a ball re-reading them; from reprints of All Star Comics #3 to…
What's next ? Cutting ponytails and braids off of girls and women in the street at gunpoint ?
Douchebag is a term now commonly used in our vernacular. I go out a lot and I see a lot of guys I would term douchebags. What exactly is a douchebag? A douchebag is sort of like a wannabe pimp, but usually with no game, no class, a lousy personality, and a scuzzy/skeezy vibe. A poser, if you will, but a highly evolved…
This is so sad... This documentary sucked me in... I was even late for my appointment cause when i start watching this i had some time to kill...then time flew by and i was like hipnotized by this little girls story and next thing i know my phone rang to wake me up and bring me back to reality... My prayers are with…
So my best friend came to me for advice... His wife is cheating on him and he knows the guy from back when all three of them were in same highschool as kids... And he really hates that guy for some other reasons as well... My frien has a really bad temper and he asked me what action should he take against that guy...…