
You know it's only going to be a matter of time...


Make it so that you can drive it to Walmart as well, and you'll have an America-wide hit!

One of the best experiences I had coming back from Germany was being offered a beer (German air carrier, of course; Condor to be specific, which I do not recommend, despite them being a subsidiary of Lufthansa, which is excellent) to go with breakfast, at 7:30am. Outstanding. I accepted, of course. It was easily the

If you need a 10" screen to read a novel, you might want to move on from kids' books.

Thanks a lot, Jesus, since you forced me to sign in with my old name, which I thought was retired after the asshole change. Anyway, this pretty much covers how I feel:

It grieves me to do this, since I'm a fan of yours, but a deciliter, being 1/10th of a liter, should not be roughly 1 kg, unless you're talking about maybe lead or something. 1 liter of water is 1 kg, no?.

LOL. And this is the the shadow of the last loyal commenter, leaving. Comment dismissed in 3... 2... 1...

Welcome to your nightmare future.

I don't know about everybody else, but if you mean "we", as in the Gawkerverse, oh, yeah. We're right on track, I think, if not ahead of the game. ;-)

Did they hire Neetzan Zimmerman as resident cat video expert? I mean, he seems like the perfect man for the job.

I think the clear failure here is the lack of foresight in not building in a Gaussian blur function. I mean, that's just basic.

Then your reading comprehension needs work: "...with public transit calculations in some cities."

Infants? Flying?

Niiice... :-)

Excellent. :-D

Maybe you should try actually reading the source article and then thinking about it before popping out with opinions. Just a thought.

"dual 30-mm auto-cannons with a 600RPM feed are loaded with 850 rounds each of various fragmentation and piercing ordnance (specifically HE-T, APDS, HE-FRAG and AP-T)."

Try reading the comments before posting. I think you'll find that that was already addressed.

That about covers it, I think.