Robert Frances

I thought Willas was mentioned in the TV show as the Highgarden heir (who was crippled by Oberlyn in a tourney)? In Season 3 When QoT asked Sansa about marrying a Tyrell, she assumed it was Loras and was quite pleased, before finding out it was actually Willas being offered.

It happens the last page of the last chapter of ASoS, with the epilogue following. (Merrett Frey's little sit-down with the Brotherhood without Banners and LS.) Hopefully they'll end the season with these two Tully sister scenes since they fit so well together and will leave non-spoiled, non-readers something to talk

Re: the Jorah banishment, I got the impression last night that Selmy wasn't thrilled Dany dismissed her council but kept Jorah behind for further discussion. (They flashed to Selmy's face after she asked Jorah to stay behind.) That may establish the motive for Selmy to out Jorah as a Dany spy when he was initially

Fast. Very fast. Almost as fast as swifts.

Martins are in the swallow family (not really considered songbirds), that are generally larger (8" bill to tail) than most of the swallows (5-6") we're more familiar with (Barn, Cliff and Tree). Of the 80+ worldwide species included in the swallow/martin family, I counted about 20 that use "martin" as part of their