
@Saboth: Never mind that the aliens are using a Macintosh OS. And Goldblum manages to write a virus for a supposedly virus-free OS in a matter of hours.

"As a New Yorker, my first instinct is to think of some destination in terms of how many blocks away it is, not how long the walk is."

David James is still playing? Then again, when was the last time England had consistently good goalkeeper?

@Alex Thepirate Loughran: This was the first thing to come to mind when I read "jet packs" but for the life of me couldn't think of the name. Well done, sir.

Stuff like this makes me want to work for Mini (although I guess technically it'd be BMW). That place seems like the Google of auto manufacturers.

@Killer Toilet: I think it more has to do with who the camera is focused on. I imagine these images were taken in Instant Replay Mode.

@Steve Campbell: This should have been the picture to go with the headline.

I noticed this in a rented Kia Optima the other day. He thought the more appropriate version is, "Tasty Muffin Lines and Starfox Crosshairs."

I saw the headline and thought this was going to be a story about people trying to time travel ala Primer.

This game sticks out to me for several reasons.

I can totally see this spawning a new racing series.

The last one off the assembly line.

When I was in high school our game ball was Nike's top of the line ball, the one that was supposed to be comparable with the adidas ball used in the World Cup (i.e. it went all over the damn place).

$59+tax. Unless a full year of WoW counts, in which case w/e ever the retail cost + first expansion + one year of subscriptions.