
He may be referencing Dale Jr., but Dale Jr. is totally referencing Hitler.

That center console looks like a Decepticon's face.

I really think what would make Top Gear American work (at least marginally so) is if they keep an audience the way BBC's Top Gear does - literally surrounding the stage. It makes the show feel more intimate and less detached.

Never give up! Trust your ins- are you asleep?

I started watching one of the videos, closed out of the Kotaku tab halfway through, and the audio kept going until the (presumed) end of the video.

If Jimmy John's offered either on a sub sandwich my dinner would have been substantially better.

Pics or it didn't happen.

This seems more appropriate for Jalopnik.

Everyone is avoiding the camera because they all have outstanding warrants.

Microsoft rewarding players with days/months of Xbox Live free of charge is a little pointless, at least in my case. I renew on an annual basis, so what the hell is 7 days good for? All those free month cards I got each time I received a fixed Xbox 360 either get thrown away or donated to some poor soul.

Nothing like Pussy Magnet Yellow brake rotors.

With this being your first 911, did you get confused when the gas pump screen told you to put the pump in the back of the car?

@Jarerex: nnnnnnnGGGAHHHHH....phew.

I'd just like to point out that if the Rams pick Tebow, the evidence that he is the Whore of Babylon will be extensively greater than the evidence suggesting he is the Messiah. Have you seen the horns on those helmets?

@deanbmmv: I'll agree to that. I'm waiting for the game in which I can actually dominate all my friends in some manner other than a high score. Direct competition and the like.

@AndrosZ: Castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually.

It's the putting, REM-loving SETI Technician #1 from Independence Day, James Wong.