
Like most of the posters here, I too am left-handed. I have always used the mouse with my right and worked the keyboard with the left. Thing is, because my left-hand is much more dexterous than my right, if I were to use this mouse I think it would be more difficult to then work the keyboard with my right hand.

For a surreal experience, put the videos on mute and turn up the sound on the current IRL race.

Call of Duty: Forever

Any chance we could get this as a print?

It's a PR stunt for Infinity Ward's upcoming DLC, the answer to Nazi Zombies: "Activision Bouncers," in which the player has to defend his cubicle against endless waves of unidentified thugs with only a stapler and a bricked 360 (which, conveniently, will turn into a javelin missile if the player enters the right

Future Update:

Cosmetic changes, maybe, but frankly the look of NCAA '10 was plain awful compared to Madden (and IMO a step back from NCAA '09).

Not the first time something of this nature has happened, though.

This is really damn scary considering I was on this road going from Alabama to the east side of Atlanta about an hour ago.

@ReelMissing: Urban Meyer would be Han Solo, which would make Dan Mullen Chewbacca.

If this happens, I think the SEC should adopt a Star Wars theme. Nick Saban could be Darth Vader, Lake Kiffin would be Wedge, and Steve Spurrier could be Emperor Palpatine.

"Josh B: It's easy to see how you've squandered away your talents... But I'm sure they'll come in handy somewhere...Like when you're the guy pumping my gas, but you'll definitely be the fastest guy their..."

I didn't know "Gran Torino" was based on an actual person.

This is what Dodge actually believes.

"Now with even more sausage"

My "Oh Shit" moment occurred when my team (attackers) were trying to get to crate A, which was inside a house on the second floor. This house was about five feet away from an identical house, and each team occupied one building and were battling back and forth.

Thank God she was driving a Prius, because Lord knows no other car on the planet could make it 30 miles, even on a full tank.

@rulesboy: Keep your politics out of my Deadspin.