
Note to Mike Vago: Having just watched Season 1 again, I can assure you that Game of Thrones has always been just as "rapey" as it is now. For example, the first couple of times Daenerys consummates her emotionally coerced marriage to Khal Drogo she looks decidedly unhappy about it. As in weeping. What has changed


Hey, great month for your Least Favorite Coen Brothers Movie binge . . .

Does anyone else have the sneaking suspicion that the Native American protest was a publicity stunt from the get-go? It sure got this ready-to-be-forgotten picture a whole lot of attention.

These editions are in the original format and the original black-and-white. They start after the material that the color version reprinted, which they'll get back around to once they've published the rest.

I'm betting that before this is over Jorah's going to be riding a dragon.

The great thing about Boardwalk Empire, other than Steve Buscemi, was that it was like
watching the Gangster All-Star Team. The weakness was that its moralistic
premise – "You can't be half a gangster" – was bullshit. The proof is
the actual person the show was based on, Nucky Johnson. Nucky worked directly and