Robert Eckert

I doubt it was a writer. He probably ad-libbed it and wishes he hadn't.

Mormonism certainly was on the "cult" side of the line when they started, and I would still classify them there, although others argue with me when I do so. Basically, LDS is Scientology + a hundred years: Joe Smith was just as much a charismatic con-man as L. Ron Hubbard, out for money and the sick pleasure of

I told you what to expect!

Things that have happened since the Cubs won the World Series:

Marty was a potent force among the "independent" Scientologists for a while, but then started changing his views radically. A lot of exes have to go through this stage, it seems.

Found the source for the story (Tony Ortega's blog, of course):

David Miscavige runs the PR personally. Nobody even dares to filter the stuff that spews out of him anymore.

That's not true. They were still full of Scientological beliefs when they first got out, as many of the exes are before they have time to decompress, but they have both moved away from that and now denounce L Ron thoroughly. Mike Rinder was quicker to evolve than Marty Rathbun, but Rathbun is no kind of Scilon

That detective (Andre' Dawson, not related to the athlete) later showed up as a speaker (compensated, no doubt) at a Scientology event.

Gibney made his name with his documentary exposing child abuse in the Catholic Church, which has been credited for spurring the resignation of a Pope for the first time in seven centuries. Wright made his name with an expose' of al-Qaeda. Neither can possibly be accused of ignoring abuses in the Abrahamic religions.

For their relatively small size and short history, Scientology has accumulated a distressingly large corpse count and other forms of wreckage.

Us Tony Ortega devotees prefer to say that Miscavige is four foot thirteen.

Their symbol is a "double cross". They have a "bridge" to sell you. The first step is called "clearing your bank". Are all of these intentional, to make sure that only the resolutely gullible enter in?