Robert Carroll

These discussions never bring up the working poor, those who make just enough to get little to no government support

Book 5 was a slog, book 6 I thought was pretty good especially the battle at the end 7,8, and 10 were horrible. 9 was good and I thought he was getting back on track, but 10 was painful.

For a guy who geeked out on the Flash's abilities, Cisco sure seems to be reluctant to try to do things with his. Matbe they are saving it for next season or something?

I have to say the last four or so episodes of this show have really saved it for me.

I agree with most of this, although this was one of the better episodes of the season. None of the characters, other than Allanon, are believable as warriors to me; which robs the fight scenes of any action.

I see this splitting up the groups, arkers, grounders, and a peace coalition of both. Lexa's hold on the grounders has already been shown to be tenuous, I believe this will break it up.

I would go with a F, this episode was just horrible! I really hoped this would be a good fantasy series and it started out OK, but it has went downhill fast. There is almost zero action and way to much teen romance.

That's about the only complaint I have some of the challenges are way to hard for this old man

We have a Warren theatre near, the screens are larger than Imax and the Dolby Atmos sound is awesome

I generally agree,most action movies look blurry in 3D, Avatar's 3D was good with no blur to the action. If Max is the same I would give it a try.

Unsettles relative?

She was a 2'x4' in Snow White and the Huntsman as well, I haven't seen her in anything else.

I believe the woman who played Bella in twilight is as bad, if not worse.

Having had the displeasure of watching this, C- is way too generous. I got in a small nap though so not all was lost.

Ready Player One

This was my thought as well

Kingsmen was what it was meant to be a fun fluffy action movie.

Dragonheart? The one with Dennis Quaid and Sean Connery I was so disappointed, I walked out.l

I have to say the relationship angle brings this show down quite a bit, Bernadette especially.

I lived in Manitowoc for awhile, they are nice folks